Flair second shot plus (flow control portafilter) - standard brew head
Producător: | Flair espresso |
Producător: | Flair espresso |
Capul de rezervă de preparare vă permite să pregătiți mai multe căni de espresso fără a fi nevoie să îl curățați mai întâi.
The Second Shot Plus – Flow-Control 2 Portafilter, is a standard upgrade for any NEO owner that wants to brew more shots more quickly. Each Second Shot Plus kit comes with:
*REQUIRES Flairs purchased after November, 2017, to be compatible. Please see image to check which portafilter base you have. If you purchased a first generation Signature PRO, this accessory is ONLY compatible with the adaptor ring, sold separately.
**If you are a PRO or PRO 2 user, this brew head will require a tamper and funnel that fits the standard-sized brew head (40mm) as the diameter of the Flow-Control Portafilter is less than on your PRO brewing head. You can find the funnel and tamper (either stainless steel or part of the dosing cup) on any of our NEO, Classic or Signature accessories pages.